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What is RELAC?

RELAC stands for "REnovables in Latin America and the Caribbean". RELAC was created at the end of 2019, within the framework of the United Nations Climate Action Summit, with the objective of reaching at least 70% of renewable energy participation in the regions electricity matrix by 2030. RELAC is a regional initiative with 15 member countries, the only one of its kind in the context of Latin America and the Caribbean. For the first time, a group of countries in the region voluntarily agrees to promote renewables with: (1) a concrete goal; (2) a monitoring scheme; and (3) an operating structure designed to support countries in the process.

Specific goal

With 2019 as a starting point, to achieve a regional target of at least 73% in installed capacity and 80% in electricity generation from Renewable Energy in RELAC countries by 2030.

Electric power generation RELAC



389,910 GWh

Renewable (58%)

257,110 GWh


Installed capacity for electricity generation RELAC



115,210 MW

Renewable (66%)

69,475 MW

graphic 2019-1
  • Electric power generation RELAC
  • Hydro: 77.35%
  • Aeolica: 10.30%
  • Renewable thermal: 8.46%
  • Solar: 2.86%
  • Geothermal: 1.03%
graphic 2019-2
  • Installed capacity for electricity generation RELAC
  • Hydro: 75.38%
  • Aeolica: 10.97%
  • Renewable thermal: 7.83%
  • Solar: 5.18%
  • Geothermal: 0.64%
graphic 2022
  • Electric power generation RELAC
  • Hydro: 79.44%
  • Aeolica: 7.47%
  • Renewable thermal: 4.08%
  • Solar: 7.29%
  • Geothermal: 1.73%
graphic 2022
  • Installed capacity for electricity generation RELAC
  • Hydro: 67.34%
  • Aeolica: 11.41%
  • Renewable thermal: 4.91%
  • Solar: 15.25%
  • Geothermal: 1.9%
graphic 2030
graphic 2030

Partner Agencies

RELAC brings together the main agencies supporting energy transition in the region

Leader of the Technical Secretariat

Monitoring Leader

Contributions from RELAC