Public Actions and State Leadership
National and State political support
How much support the utility has from the national authorities to introduce a comprehensive loss reduction program? Is this program fully articulated with the authorities and does the utility has their commitment towards implementation?
Engagement with local authorities
How engaged is the utility with law enforcement authorities such as local police on matters of electricity theft? Is this collaboration clearly understood by everyone, publicly available, and described in a transparent manner?
Regulatory and normative aspects
Does the regulatory framework contemplate proper incentives to reduce electricity losses? Are these incentives designed as rewards or penalties? How is the tariff calculation impacted by electricity losses?
Operations, Commercial and Financial
Baseline and master plan
Does the utility have a baseline study calculating the technical and non-technical electricity losses, and a roadmap establishing the priority activities to reduce losses in a comprehensive plan? How updated is this baseline plan?
Does the utility have a unit dedicated to reducing electricity losses? What is the governance and authority level of this unit?
Investment technologies
Has the utility identified the proper technologies and business intelligent tools to efficiently reduce electricity losses? Have these technologies been included in the investment plan?
Commercial systems
Does the utility have a commercial system that is well managed with control mechanisms, and proper governance with clearly defined user access rules? How is this access reviewed over time?
Infrastructure plan
Has the utility developed an infrastructure investment plan and identified financing options to implement the loss reduction program? How is this investment plan in losses aligned with other investments and expansions in transmission and distribution networks?
Social and Equity Considerations
Community Engagement and Social Considerations
Has the utility engaged the communities identifying affordability considerations and facilitating access to credit and ability to pay? How often doe the utility meet with representants of the community?
Ecosystem of services and providers
Has the utility established a training program with contracted crews and partnerships with inspection companies with incentives to reduce electricity loss?