Assesses the interaction between the service provider (distribution company) and the user on services such as responsiveness to customers, billing information, and handling complains. Main objective is to provide best service to the customers.
This activity assesses the interaction between the service provider (distribution company) and the user on services such as responsiveness to customers, billing information, service disruptions, and handling complains. The main objective is to provide best and most responsive service to the customers.
This section assesses the quality of the service to clients, i.e., interaction between the service provider and the user as “customer” of those services. It assesses different forms of service; handling of complaints, requests, payments, and other procedures; utility commitment to the service and user information about interruptions to the service and other contingencies. All these will have repercussions on the main objective of user satisfaction, which is also included in the assessment.
The attention to the client continues to evolve and become more relevant considering the advances in technology, the increase in use of distributed generation, and the evolution and importance of clients as prosumers. These innovations are presented in the last activity of the document in utility of the future. This section focuses on the current activities of enabling a good customer service system, aimed not only to satisfy customers but also to exceed their expectations. In this context, the attention to customers must be designed and developed to meet the following objectives:
* Show integrated, accurate and reliable information
* Ensure a high degree of performance to minimize response time to users
* Facilitate integration with the internal and external systems that permeate the company.
* Use modern technologies that facilitate interaction with the customer
* Have several types of channels to serve a heterogeneous audience.
The main challenge for utilities is to support in a cost-effective manner a demanding customer who will demand companies in the face of any problem encountered.
This activity of attention to the client is currently under development and will be incorporated soon