Reviews how the utilities are modernizing their activities and considering new business models focused on services to meet future needs of customers and technology disruptions. Also includes the activities of electromobility.

This activity reviews how the utilities are modernizing their activities and considering new business models focused on services to meet future needs of customers, new services, and technology disruptions. Also includes the activities of electromobility.
In the last years the power sector has undergone many changes that have impacted technically and financially all its traditional business models. New players are interacting more intensively with the power grid, including the increase in distributed energy systems (DES) which has an impact on the operation of distribution networks and has created new challenges for the sector. There are also many countries in which the inclusion of electric vehicles (VE) have changed the demand on their systems. The emergence of energy storage systems (ESS) can help in this new scenario but represent a greater complexity for utilities.
The spread of new information technologies has also allowed the collection of large volumes of data on the operation of the power systems, increased control and operation of generation, grids, and cargo in an accelerated way. And this large volume of data has encouraged utilities to adopt new technologies for data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and others to maximize the return on its assets and explore new possibilities in its decisions.
All of this is opening the possibility of new business models with the potential to simultaneously provide more value to consumers and generate new revenue for companies, in addition to the emergence of new players in the market. As these technological innovations mature, it is expected that at some point there will be an inflection point in which new business models will be inevitable for the survival of utilities and technologies such as blockchain are only part of this process.
In this new scenario of great technological advances, new business opportunities are driving potentially disruptive changes in the electricity sector, forcing modernization new business models. The changes that the energy sector will face in the next decade may be at least as deep as the transformations experienced during the liberalization of the energy markets and the utility that is not prepared for this may face many difficulties.
This activity of modernization and vision of the future is currently under development and will be incorporated soon.