Public Actions and State Leadership National and State political support
National and State political support
Obtain political support with government authorities and promote awareness for the introduction of a program. Successful programs have usually been associated with a preponderant role of government authorities to tackle the challenge, where public utilities regularly report progress to senior government authorities.
While this is not a direct action by the distribution utility, political support is key to reducing electricity losses in particular with large commercial and industrial customers. In some cases, a dedicated and transparent budget is established to manage the transition of certain residential customers with low consumption. Some countries have provided this support in the form of targeted subsidies to customers with low consumption (such as less than 100 kwh/month). This budget support to targeted customers needs to be properly estimated and defined its duration.
As part of proactive activities, the utility can make in collaboration with the government is to foster development and implementation of energy efficiency standards: promote new materials and construction standards with local and national governments, such as the use of solar heating, thermal insulation of roofs and natural and efficient lighting.