Organization Baseline and masterplan
Baseline and masterplan
It is essential to develop quality improvement or control plan, based on a diagnosis that identifies the baseline (current state of service quality according to the selected and standardized indicators), the specific factors that cause major supply interruptions, the location where supply quality is deficient (region, circuit, customer), the definition of quality objectives and goals, the definition of strategies to address each field of action, the formulation of projects, the definition of an implementati on schedule, the assignment of responsibilities in the organization, the criteria for evaluating the plan, and the economic and financial evaluation of the plan.
Service quality indicators should be recorded regularly and kept consistent with the methodol ogy used for the baseline definition in order for a proper evaluation of the results of the service quality-oriented projects.
As for the possible duration of a quality improvement plan, which may be defined at the sectoral level by distribution subareas, or at the level of the company as a whole, it depends largely on the initial situation and the quality investment effort, which is also closely related to investment in network replacement and modernization (the general condition of the networks may affect quality to a large extent, as well as the remuneration recognized by the regulator for preventive and corrective maintenance expenses). However, taking as a reference the recent case of Colombia, which defines a gradual improvement path of 8% per year until the target is reached, a maximum period of 10 years may be reasonable for companies with deficient indicators.